stOck OptiOns 2001

40’ x 30’ installation at Jewett Gallery, Wellesley College, MA

Oak, pine, whitewash, 96 painted individual plaster casts of hands and feet, reflective glass bead, mylar text, magnifying lenses, hand- painted transparencies, 3 suspended twirling 25 cent coins with eagles on both faces, 20 minute CD audio  loop.

With so much attention on the market investor’s private losses and despite the unparalleled accumulation of wealth by corporate executives, the white washed facts of our holdings, of our stock, remain as they historically have been for the multitude—that of bondage and perpetual servitude.  The sixty-four running linear feet of reconstructed antebellum stocks used for enslaved people indicates, for the world’s majority, the singularity of the term “stock options”.